weight loss exercises

The ideal figure is not created in five minutes, slimness is achieved due to dietary restrictions and constant training of your body.

Using a special set of weight loss exercises at home for every day in everyday life is a great way for women to easily keep themselves in great shape.

Hand weight loss exercises for women

Beautiful and tense hands are the result of intense training. It is better to start by warming up your arms slightly, and only then move on to the main strength training. What are arm weight loss exercises?

Warming up

Women’s weight loss exercises for women necessarily involve various types of rotations. First you need to raise your arms, spread them to the sides and place them parallel to the floor. Move your arms towards you 20 times, then twist the same number of times towards you. Without changing posture, bend your elbows and twist them in different directions 20 times. Rotate with straight hands, as if you have "mill wings" in both directions, make 20 rotations in each.

Basic Exercises

To complete them, you will need to take small dumbbells. The legs are shoulder-width apart in all exercises.

  • Raise your dumbbell arms forward, place them in front of you, then take them to the sides and slowly lower them. Repeat 15-20 times.
  • With your dumbbell arms lowered to your torso, turn your palms forward. Bending the elbows to lift the dumbbell. Repeat the same number of times as in the first exercise.
  • While holding the dumbbells, bend your elbows so that you get a right angle. Slowly raise your bent arms up so that your elbows are at shoulder level. And also slowly, gently lower them to their original position. You can do 15 or more of these exercises.
  • Put your hands with dumbbells at chest level so that they touch. Slowly spread your arms to your hips, straightening your elbows. Then lift it up, lower it forward and fasten it to your chest again. Do this at least 10 times.

The above set of arm weight loss exercises is intended for women with average athletic training, so it is better for beginners in the initial phase to increase the load gradually - increasing the number of repetitions each day. The heaviest women can do arm weight loss exercises at home several times a day.

Belly weight loss exercises at home

Women generally spend most of their workouts doing abdominal weight loss exercises. The dream of many women is a flat and almost flat stomach. This requires special efforts and necessarily regular sports activities. If possible, you can sign up for the gym with an instructor, but you can do the workouts at home. For weight loss for women is a very important process of creating a beautiful tummy, it is better to start it by warming up, and then move on to basic gymnastics.

Home exercises for losing weight belly and hips:

abdominal weight loss exercises
  • Sit on the floor with your feet resting on a stable object. You can use a bed, a large chair or a sofa for this. The arms should be placed behind the head, folded and bent in turn forward, left, right. Do the inclines at least 20 times.
  • Lie on your back, raise your straight legs by about 30 degrees. As you exhale, gently raise them a little higher, as you inhale, lower your feet to the floor, but do not touch it. The hands lie on the floor next to the body and do not take off from it when moving. For a start, 20-30 approaches will be enough, in a week you need to bring the amount to 50 pieces.
  • Still lying on your back, lift your legs, bend your knees and place your feet on the floor. Repair in this position. Put your hands under your head. Lift your upper body about 45 degrees off the floor and your lower back as gently as possible. Make at least 30 approaches.
  • Still lying in the same position, legs bent at the knees, first lowered to one side and placed on the floor. It should turn out so that the body lies flat and the legs and hips to the side. In such a twisted position, swing the press 20-25 times. Then turn your legs to the other side and repeat all the actions.
  • Lying down. You need to get up on your elbows and fix your pose. Do the “scissors” exercise with straight legs. The press should be as tense as possible and feel good. Do 40-50 times.
  • While lying on your back, straighten your legs with your hands on your hips. Slowly raise your straight legs and straight arms, as well as your shoulders and upper back. Keep your groin and buttocks on the floor. The press should be maximally strained, twisting the twist on the exhale. Just repeat 30 times.

Exercises to lose weight on the abdomen and hips will not be easy, on the contrary, they may seem very difficult, but to achieve this goal, you need to do everything necessary. A set of exercises for losing weight in the abdomen in women can be performed entirely at home.

Butt and hip weight loss exercises

In every woman's weight loss training, a lot of time should be devoted to the hips and buttocks - one of the most problematic places that do not want to lose weight on their own. To give them elasticity, you need to put in enough effort. The complex is very simple, it is easy to perform at home using household items.

leg weight loss exercises
  • Warm up. This can be done by performing 30 squats or the same number of bends in different directions. After warming up you can start working the main complex.
  • In the standing position, the legs are a little wider than the shoulders, half-squats are done. It doesn’t have to be a fast pace, but just a flat back. It is important. Exhale squats. Repeat at least 30 times.
  • Attacks forward and sideways. First with the right foot, then with the left. Place one leg far forward, bend at the knee, and hold the other upright. Sit 15 times. Repeat the same with the other leg. Then, also in every direction.
  • Stand on all fours, correct position on elbows and knees. In turn, take each leg to the side and lift it. Tighten your buttocks during the exercise. Make 50 such swings in each direction.
  • Lie on your back, legs bent and feet fixed to the floor. The hands of open palms rest on the floor. Lying on your shoulders, lift your lower body as tightly as possible by squeezing your buttocks. Make at least 50 climbs.
  • The exercise is done standing, the use of a ball is recommended. You need to squeeze it between your legs so that it is approximately at hip level. It should be squeezed with the inside of the thigh. Repeat the bench bench 100 times. You can also squat in this position. Also effective training for the hips.
  • You will need a chair for the next exercise. You have to kneel behind him. Holding the back of the chair with your hands, pull your leg back as far as possible, do it 10 times, and then to the side. Repeat with the other leg. Keep your back straight and tense your buttocks.
  • Stand with your back straight to the wall, pressing your shoulders, shoulders and hips. Squeeze your buttocks slowly 10 times first, then quickly the same number of times. Squeeze alternately slowly and quickly. There is no limit to the number of repetitions.

Leg and foot weight loss exercises

Slim and tidy legs always look impressive, no matter what their owner has dressed up. Leg and leg weight loss exercises will help them become strong and beautiful.

Before these exercises, you can warm up using regular squats.

thigh weight loss exercises

A set of exercises for a woman to lose weight legs:

  • Sit on a flat surface, like a hard chair. Bend your legs and place a not too heavy object (book, dumbbell) on your knees. Slowly raise your knees, holding on to the chair with your hands. Make 30-40 series.
  • The chair will help again. Place a straight leg on the back of the chair. Put your hands on your belt. Support on the other leg. It is necessary to squat on a supporting leg, keeping the other as upright as possible. Do at least 20 squats on each leg.
  • Holding on to any fixed object, such as a closet, standing on one leg, return the other leg as high as possible and lift it, then to the side. Make 30 sets for each leg.
  • Standing straight, legs together, straighten your back and raise yourself on your toes as much as possible, then slowly lower yourself. You can make up to 50 elevators.
  • Stand upright with your feet. Raise your legs in turn, bending at the knee. At the same time, spread your arms to your hips. Raising your leg, you need to stay in this position for 15 seconds. Lift each leg 20-25 times.

The above effective leg weight loss exercises can easily help you get your legs back to their former harmony!

Taking time for physical activity is necessary for every woman who does not want to carry extra pounds on her body. Home weight loss workouts are suitable for women who do not have enough time to work out in the gym. If you exercise regularly, follow the recommendations and do it regularly, the effect will not wait long for you.